
Meet our Editorial Panel who are the key opinion leaders in the field of oral health in patients with autism spectrum disorder. This expert panel in collaboration with the WILEY editorial team has curated the independent educational modules where you can get resources on the latest advancements in research, treatment guidelines, and management of oral health in patients with autism spectrum disorder. 

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Prof. Mariana C. Morales Chávez

Professor in the Dentistry Faculty of Santa Maria University, Caracas, Venezuela

Prof. Mariana Morales Chávez obtained her license for dental practice at the Santa María University, Caracas and her PhD in Dentistry at the Universidad Central of Venezuela.   

She has made significant contributions to research within her field, with publications focusing on topics such as the oral health of children with special healthcare needs. 

Prof. Morales Chávez holds several awards from the Science and Technology Ministry of Venezuela, and has previously been in the positions such as the Director of the Dental Research Center at Santa Maria University, Caracas and Editor in Chief of the Journal Acta Odontológica Venezolana. 

Prof. Morales Chávez is currently Professor in the Dentistry Faculty of Santa Maria University, Caracas, Venezuela. 


Associate Professor Dr.Mas Suryalis Ahmad

PhD (Melbourne), DClinDent Special Needs Dentistry (Melbourne)
MMedEd (Distinction) (Malaya), BDS (Malaya), SCTGR (Melbourne)
Dip Prof Translation (DBP-MTA), Dip Disability Studies (CAE)
MRACDS (SND) (Australia), MFD RCS (Ireland), MFDS RCPS (Glasgow)
MFDS RCS (England), Dip PCD RCS (Ireland)

Associate Professor Dr. Mas Suryalis Ahmad graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Malaya, Malaysia, in 2006. She also earned a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry and a Doctor of Philosophy in Special Needs Dentistry from the University of Melbourne, Australia, in 2016, as well as a Master of Medical Education from the University of Malaya in 2023.

Dr. Ahmad is a member of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (Special Needs Dentistry specialist practice), the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, and the Royal College of Surgeons of England. She has received numerous awards for excellence in research, innovation, and personal achievements, particularly in Special Care Dentistry, Gerodontology, and Dental Education.

Currently, Dr. Ahmad serves as the President of the Malaysian Dental Association and as the Deputy Dean (Student Affairs) at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. She teaches Special Care Dentistry at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels across several universities in the Asian region. Additionally, she is the Chair of the Education Committee of the International Association for Disability and Oral Health, the President-Elect of the Malaysian Association of Disability and Oral Health, a member of the Malaysian Qualification Agency’s Specialist Dental Education Committee (leading the Special Care Dentistry section), and a member of the Malaysian Dental Council’s Dental Specialty Sub-Committee (Special Care Dentistry).

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Dr. Ilham Wan Mokhtar

Associate Professor in the Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia

Dr. Ilham Wan Mokhtar, BDS, MAdvDent, is a consultant specializing in Pediatric Dentistry & Special Care at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). She completed her specialist training at Universiteit Gent in Belgium from 2012 to 2016. She was pioneering in establishing special care dentistry as part of the undergraduate curriculum in dental schools in Malaysia with UiTM. She also serves as the program coordinator for the “Doctor in Special Care Dentistry” at UiTM. She performs as an Exco-committee member for the Malaysian Association of Pediatric Dentistry (MAPD) and is an active member in the Malaysian Association of Disability & Oral Health (MADOH) as well as the International Association for Disability and Oral Health. She published a manual for caregivers and teachers titled “Penjagaan gigi, mulut dan pemakanan anak berkeperluan khas” (Teeth, mouth and dietary care for children with special health care needs) aimed at the Malaysian local community and contribute a chapter on Pediatric Dentistry Imaging and Special Consideration in Dental Imaging in the Manual of Plain Digital Oral Maxillofacial Imaging.

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